Publication Types:

Modeling surface water–groundwater interaction in New Zealand: Model development and application.

Journal Paper
Yang, J., McMillan, H., Zammit, C.
Hydrological Processes, doi: 10.1002/hyp.11075
Publication year: 2016

mizuRoute (version 1) - river network routing tool for continental domain water resources applications.

Journal Paper
Mizukami, N., Clark, M. […] McMillan, H.
Geoscientific Model Development 9 (6), 2223-2238.
Publication year: 2016

Influence of soil and climate on root zone storage capacity.

Journal Paper
de Boer‐Euser, T., McMillan, H., Hrachowitz, M., Winsemius, H. C., Savenije, H. H.
Water Resources Research 52, 2009–2024.
Publication year: 2016

Field measurement of recharge under irrigation in Canterbury, New Zealand, using drainage lysimeters.

Journal Paper
Srinivasan, MS., Duncan, M., McMillan, H.
Agricultural Water Management 166, 17 – 32.
Publication year: 2016

Coupling a high-resolution weather model with a hydrological model for flood forecasting in New Zealand

Journal Paper
Cattoen, C., McMillan, H., Moore, S.
Journal of Hydrology (NZ) 55 (1), 1
Publication year: 2016

Accelerating advances in continental domain hydrologic modeling

Journal Paper
Archfield, S., Clark, M., […] McMillan, H. et al.
Water Resources Research, 51(12): 10078-10091
Publication year: 2016

Uncertainty in hydrological signatures

Journal Paper
Westerberg, I., McMillan, H.
Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 12, 4233-4270, doi:10.5194/hessd-12-4233-2015
Publication year: 2015

Rating curve estimation under epistemic uncertainty.

Journal Paper
McMillan, H., Westerberg, I.
Hydrological Processes 29: 1873–1882.
Publication year: 2015

Characteristics and controls of variability in surface and groundwaters in a headwater catchment.

Journal Paper
McMillan, H., Srinivasan MS.
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 19, p 1767-1786.
Publication year: 2015

Use of an entropy-based metric in multi-objective calibration to improve model performance.

Journal Paper
Pechlivanidis, I., Jackson, B., McMillan, H., Gupta, H.
Water Resources Research 50(10): 8066–8083.
Publication year: 2014

Spatial variability of processes and model structure diagnostics in a 50 km2 catchment.

Journal Paper
McMillan H, Guegen M, Grimon E, Woods R, Clark M, Rupp D
Hydrological Processes 28(18): 4896–4913.
Publication year: 2014

Use of the data depth function to differentiate between cases of interpolation and extrapolation in hydrological model prediction.

Journal Paper
Singh SK, McMillan H, Bardossy A.
Journal of Hydrology, 477: 213–228
Publication year: 2013

The Urban Impacts Toolbox: An example of modelling the effect of climate change and sea level rise on future flooding.

Journal Paper
McMillan H., M. Duncan, G. Smart, J. Sturman, S. Poyck, S. Reese, A. Tait, E. Hreinsson, J. Walsh.
Weather and Climate (NZ). 32(2), 21-39
Publication year: 2013

Operational hydrological data assimilation with the Recursive Ensemble Kalman Filter.

Journal Paper
McMillan H., Hreinsson E.O., Clark M.P., Singh S.K., Zammit C., Uddstrom M.J.
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 17: 21-38
Publication year: 2013

Estimation of regional departures from global-average sea-level rise around New Zealand from AOGCM simulations.

Journal Paper
Ackerley D, Bell RG, Mullan AB, McMillan H.
Weather and Climate (NZ) 07/2013; 33(1):2-22.
Publication year: 2013

“Panta Rhei – Everything Flows”: Change in hydrology and society – The IAHS Scientific Decade 2013-2022.

Journal Paper
Montanari, A., […] H. McMillan, et al.
Hydrological Sciences Journal 58(6): 1256–1275.
Publication year: 2013

The effects of climate change on runoff in the Lindis and Matukituki catchments, Central Otago, New Zealand.

Journal Paper
Gawith, D., Kingston, D.G., McMillan, H.
Journal of Hydrology (NZ) 51(2): 121-136
Publication year: 2012

Effect of spatial variability and seasonality in soil moisture on drainage thresholds and fluxes in a conceptual hydrological model.

Journal Paper
McMillan, H.
Hydrological Processes 26(18): 2838–2844
Publication year: 2012

Do time variable tracers aid the evaluation of hydrological model structure? A multi-model approach.

Journal Paper
McMillan, H., D. Tetzlaff, M. Clark, C. Soulsby
Water Resources Research. 48, W05501
Publication year: 2012

Benchmarking observational uncertainties for hydrology: Rainfall, river discharge and water quality.

Journal Paper
McMillan, H., T. Krueger, J. Freer
Hydrological Processes, 26 (26): 4078 -4111
Publication year: 2012

Rainfall Uncertainty in Hydrological Modelling: An Evaluation of Multiplicative Error Models.

Journal Paper
McMillan, H., Jackson B., Clark M., Kavetski D., Woods R.
Journal of Hydrology. 400(1-2): 83-94
Publication year: 2011

Hydrological field data from a modeller’s perspective: Part 2. Process-based evaluation of model hypotheses.

Journal Paper
Clark M., McMillan H., Collins D., Kavetski D., Woods R.
Hydrological Processes, doi: 10.1002/hyp.7902
Publication year: 2011

Hydrological field data from a modeller’s perspective: Part 1. Diagnostic tests for model structure.

Journal Paper
McMillan H., Clark M., Bowden W., Duncan M., Woods R.
Hydrological Processes. doi: 10.1002/hyp.7841.
Publication year: 2011

Combined snow- and streamflow modelling to estimate impacts of climate change on water resources in the Clutha, New Zealand.

Journal Paper
Poyck, S., J. Hendrikx, H. McMillan. E.O. Hreinsson, R. Woods
Journal of Hydrology (NZ) 50: 293-312
Publication year: 2011

Impacts of Uncertain River Flow Data on Rainfall-Runoff Model Calibration and Discharge Predictions.

Journal Paper
McMillan H., Freer J., Pappenberger F., Krueger T., Clark M.
Hydrological Processes 24(10): p 1270-1284. doi: 10.1002/hyp.7587
Publication year: 2010

Rainfall-runoff model calibration using informal likelihood measures within a Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampling scheme

Journal Paper
McMillan H., Clark M.
Water Resources Research, 45, W04418, doi:10.1029/2008WR007288.
Publication year: 2009

End-to-End Flood Risk Assessment: A Coupled Model Cascade with Uncertainty Estimation.

Journal Paper
McMillan H, Brasington J.
Water Resources Research 44, W03419, doi:10.1029/2007WR005995.
Publication year: 2008

Reduced Complexity Strategies for Modelling Urban Floodplain Inundation.

Journal Paper
McMillan H., Brasington J.
Geomorphology, 90: 3-4, p 226-243.
Publication year: 2006

Constraining dynamic TOPMODEL responses for imprecise water table information using fuzzy rule based performance measures.

Journal Paper
Freer J., McMillan H., McDonnell J.J., Beven K.J.
Journal of Hydrology 291, p 254-277.
Publication year: 2004